ECM for Health & Human Services

Serve More Clients and Stay Ahead of Eligibility Requirements

Making Your Agency Better, Smarter and Faster

Health and human services agencies play a vital role in providing housing, food, heat and financial assistance to the communities that need it most. In order to provide such services, however, these agencies must process a number of different eligibility applications and documents to issue the much-needed benefits to their clients. All of these applications and documents mean paperwork – and lots of it – and, for many agencies, it’s a struggle to manage and process it all, especially those agencies facing budget cuts and staff reductions. By securely storing your documents and records in a central repository like OnBase, you can solve many of the most common challenges inherent in paper-based processes. Not only does an enterprise content management system store your records in a single secure location, but it also allows you to access information more quickly, automate workflow processes and expedite annual eligibility reviews. In turn, you can serve more clients with fewer resources.
    With OnBase, you can:
  • Access the information you need whenever you need it
  • Fulfill client requests faster and more completely
  • Connect documents with your case management system
  • Accelerate annual reviews and decision-making
  • Automate workflow processes and compliance efforts
  • Empower staff and promote collaboration across departments
  • Leverage better document management and secure storage
  • Add or modify functionality to meet ever-changing program needs

Recapturing Staff Time and Eliminating Paper Costs

Redundant, paper-based tasks absorb staff time and inhibit responsive client service. However, by capturing high-volume records and ad hoc documents along the way, you can reclaim lost staff time, preventing your staff from having to search for records in multiple locations. Your staff won’t mind adapting to a new solution either because our technologies allow them to continue working with familiar interfaces like Microsoft Outlook or your existing case management system.

Improving Compliance and Automating Client Service

To meet compliance rules, you need to follow strict document handling and process requirements. Your efforts are complicated when the information you need resides in multiple systems and filing cabinets. The good news is that we can empower your staff members to access everything they need quickly, whether they’re managing caseloads in the office or the field by using their smartphones or tablets. You can speed processes further by leveraging our industry-leading process automation tools. For example, you can improve client service dramatically by using e-forms or automate your compliance efforts by kicking off automatic timers that remind staff of compliance needs requiring immediate attention.

Think It’s Too Expensive? Think Again.

If you think that a modern, enterprise-level content management system is too expensive for your agency, you’d be surprised. It’s possible to realize an ROI more quickly than you’d expect, thanks to the time-saving and productivity-boosting features of today’s latest technologies. Let our experts show you how to automate processes while providing better service to your clients and improving your compliance efforts across the board.