Third Party Administrators Use Intelligent Capture Technology for a Happier Customer
With the recent rise in remote work due, insurers are doing everything they can to keep their employees and clients safe.
But despite the working conditions we’re currently faced with, customer service expectations and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) still need to be met. Also due to the global pandemic, Third Party Administrators (TPAs) may find themselves with a backlog of health insurance claims.
For TPAs who have more than 1,500 employees, handling claims can be made easier with intelligent capture technology.
OCR Your CMS Forms
Using optical character recognition (OCR), our technology can read claims data on CMS forms. It focuses on both header and footer data, as well as the determined body data you need it to read. Once the data has been captured, we can put it into a workflow, integrated with your claims system, so the data can be sent to the right people for processing. The workflow can also help an insurer to find fraud, deny claims and ask healthcare staff for supporting information.
Automate What You’re Doing Manually
Free your staff who is manually keying HICF information into your claims tool to do more valuable work. We can provide a consult with examples from some of our customers who are using this service. Contact us today.
Take the Next Step
We can help you decide pretty quickly whether this would be a good fit for your organization. With 20+ years of experience in automation, we just need about 5 minutes of Q&A.