Integrate Blue Prism to KeyMark's Forms InMotion application

Blue Prism to Forms InMotion Translator

Integration with KeyMark’s Forms InMotion (FiM) application.

This asset translates output from FiM for use in downstream processes or application.

About the Asset:

The “FiM Output Translator” asset uses KeyMark’s FiM application to translate in data from a text file to be used in a downstream process or application. The asset includes a Virtual Business Object (VBO) and documentation.

The asset will integrated in KeyMark’s FiM application, only available from KeyMark. The asset includes KeyMark’s advanced error handling, FiM Output translator and documentation. Please read the documentation for the recommended setup procedures. An onsite install of KeyMark’s FiM application is required.

Benefits of the Asset:

This KeyMark-created asset will provide an automated way of translating output data from your FiM environment. This capability can be useful when trying to use this data in a downstream process or application.

There's More Where That Came From

KeyMark has created other free assets that can be found on our Digital Assets Page. Click the Robot to learn more!

Download the FIM Translator

To receive the free asset and our user guide for instructions on how to make use of the Forms InMotion Translator please fill out the form.

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